With over 40 years collective lifecasting experience between us, CJ Munn and André Masters are proud to pass on their knowledge to the next generation of lifecasters. We have students come from all over the world to learn basic and advanced lifecasting techniques with us, as well as more specialist courses such as advanced mould making and casting with resin/metal powders.
If you are interested in being considered for one of our intensive training courses or workshops, please email in the first instance with details about what you would like to learn, and a little bit about yourself (age, location, what you currently do for a living, what you hope to get from the course, any previous casting or artistic experience, etc). We offer a few different tried and tested courses as listed below, but are more than happy to tailor the course to your requirements if you want something a bit different, to make sure you get the most out of your time with us.
Courses are normally for two days working from 10am-4:30pm with a short lunch break although some courses go on till later. They are quite physically and mentally intense, so we recommend if you are traveling quite a distance to see us that you book into a local hotel or B&B the night before so that you arrive on time and rested. The courses are very hands-on and involve you making several different lifecasts during your time with us, all of which you get to take away with you (unless you have arranged to give/finish some for your models or if you live far away and it’s not practical to take them).
The photos shown in this gallery are all taken during our courses or of work created during the courses with our students (please note, the students will have finished/decorated the pieces after, using the techniques learned on the day). To read some of our many student testimonials and see how others found our courses, click HERE.
General Introduction to Lifecasting Course - 2 Days - £1500
This is a one to one course, suitable for absolute beginners, to get an enormous jump start to their casting skills - whether for personal pleasure or starting a new business. The course includes an introduction to the three most popular moulding/casting materials, starting the day with small high definition casts, medium sized low-definition casts, then combining the two in the afternoon of day one to do a high definition medium sized piece (usually a female torso or back/bottom casting). On day two we de-mould the work created in day one and look at finishing techniques, dealing with common problems, how to hang, decorate and seal your casts. The afternoon of day two explores a more advanced casting option such as face casting. Throughout the two days we teach you vital safety information, professional tips for getting the best possible work, ways of dealing with unexpected situations in the casting room, business advice (if you are setting up your own business) including marketing and pricing tips and ways to keep your clients happy and comfortable throughout the process. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Introduction to Pregnant belly casting - 2 Days - £1750
Work in progress cast (just out of mould) by student Vicki Davies of Casting Little Memories.
A one to one course, suitable for absolute beginners who are looking to start their own belly casting business. We begin the first day getting you used to low definition belly casting/belly masking techniques which are still very popular with many mums-to-be. We go through the very important safety information needed to keep your models/clients completely safe, as well as how to get the best from your models and make use of their partners if they bring someone along with them to help. In the afternoon we introduce you to high definition casting techniques, initially making some small samples to get you used to the material setting times and behaviour. Then we progress you towards making your first high definition belly cast with hands. On day two we spend the morning de-moulding the previous day's work, learning finishing techniques, dealing with common problems, learning how to hang your casts and how to make a low definition cast into a simple belly bowl for photographic sessions with the newborn. In the afternoon you have the option of doing a final advanced belly cast which can be a full torso with modesty veil or breasts, hands and belly together. Throughout the two days we teach you vital safety information, professional tips for getting the best possible work, ways of dealing with unexpected situations in the casting room, business advice (if you are setting up your own business) including marketing and pricing tips and ways to keep your clients happy and comfortable throughout the process. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Advanced belly casting - 1 Day - £1200
Collaborative cast between student Sharron Mundy of Bumpsadaisy Lifecasting and CJ Munn
A one-to-one course, only suitable for those who have already mastered low definition belly masking or simple belly only high definition techniques and would like to improve their skills to learn how to do larger pieces such as belly and breasts, belly breasts and hands, an additional family member's hands, modesty veils and so forth. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Introduction to safe face casting - 1 Day - £900
Face casting workshop with students Laura Brunsdon of Laura's Treasure Prints and Francis Mortin of My Tiny Prints.
A one-to-one course, suitable for absolute beginners or practising lifecasters who would like to learn the safest way to cast 3d portraits of friends, family or clients. Starting with an introduction to the basic materials used for this art form, with an emphasis on the safety and comfort of the model throughout, we build you up through the day from doing half face casts on younger models through to full face casts of adults, including how to finish them, display them and deal with common problems along the way. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Head casting for professional lifecasters - 1 Day - £2000 or 2 day course £3200 (to include more finishing techniques/hands on practice).
A two-to-one course (you get two professional lifecasting tutors completely to yourself), suitable only for those with previous lifecasting experience under their belt and a provable degree of confidence working with all of the most common moulding and casting materials. Take your lifecasting career to the next level by being able to offer full head and shoulder casts (busts) that can be used for portraiture, reference for sculpting, working with prosthetic appliances (special effects make up, mask making and Cosplay. Safety is the number one concern for this type of lifecasting and we will teach you how to keep your model safe, comfortable and relaxed throughout this somewhat daunting process to get the results you want. You can bring a friend to learn the technique together at a reduced cost of £3000 for two people learning together. To take part in this course you will not only learn how to do head casts but will experience it yourself, meaning you get to take away a head cast of yourself to work on at home. The itinerary of the day includes experiencing face casting yourself so you can understand at every stage what your model will experience and feel, creating a head cast of someone else so you can confidently carry out this advanced process safely and confidently, and we end the day with some helpful finishing techniques to deal with common problems. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Baby and child hand and foot casting - introductory course - 2 days - £1600.
Baby casting samples made with student Rosie Cornish of I Do Casting.
A one-to-one course designed to help those who wish to start a new business offering baby or child hand/foot casting services get a jump start and avoid common problems which often sink new businesses. We can teach you four different methods which enable you to get the best from any child that visits you, as well as how to work with parents to help you rather than hinder. Throughout the two days we teach you vital safety information, professional tips for getting the best possible work, ways of dealing with unexpected situations in the casting room, business advice (if you are setting up your own business) including marketing and pricing tips and ways to keep your clients happy and comfortable throughout the process. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Family group/wreath (ring) casting - 1 day - £1000.
Student Vicki Davies with her first wreath casting, just out of the mould in our workshop.
A one-to-one course designed to help those who have already got some experience with baby/child hand casting and wish to extend their portfolio to include family groups (clasps) and more ornate/organised poses such as the very popular wreath or ring of hands casting. This course includes one or two of the most popular clasped hand formations in the morning, followed by mould-filling techniques to reduce air bubbles, demoulding, how to deal with common problems such as missing fingertips/mass air bubbles, broken fingers/deformities in the mould, popular methods of decoration and display. We finish the day teaching you how to do high definition wreath casting of a family group - how to get the best from your models, perfect the pose, carry out the moulding, filling this complex mould successfully, how to hang/display the piece and what to do with the back of the cast. The course includes a list of all our recommended material and equipment suppliers that we have researched and tested over the years, which in itself could save you many hundreds of pounds a year if swapping from one of the more well known suppliers. The course also includes a reasonable amount of after-course support via email if you come into any teething problems when you are practising by yourself for the first time.
Please note, course prices do not include the provision of artists' models. We recommend our students ask friends and family to pose for them, or advertise for models in their local area willing to travel to be cast. We can sometimes help arrange for models from our local area who may pose for our courses in exchange for the student finishing one of the lifecasts of them within an agreed time frame (normally 3 months) and delivering/shipping it to them by way of thank you for their time. On occasion, models can be found for an hourly rate which is payable by the student. We can advise you if you are struggling to source models, particularly if you live very far away.
Multiple moulds waiting to be filled with plaster, from group face casting workshop at Invicta Grammar School for Girls, Kent.
If you're unsure if our course is right for you, why not read some testimonials from our former students, most of whom have gone on to set up their own lifecasting businesses and remain in contact with us to this day.
In addition to private tuition, on occasion we offer small group workshops. This has included Face casting and simple lifecasting workshops for A level and college students, as well as Gifted & Talented GCSE students and corporate team building exercises; Erotic Lifecasting Workshops for private groups (as featured on 'The Batchelor' TV series with Spencer Matthews for Channel 4), Kiss Casting/Nipple Casting group sessions for hen parties or similar, Female Genital Casting Workshops for women's groups, or demonstration-led workshops for larger groups on any aspect of lifecasting. Please email or call us on 01622 609386 with your requirements if you'd like us to organise a group workshop for you.